have you recently noticed I changed my profile picture on facebook.
yeah,in case you dont,here I got a little confession to you guys."IT'S PHOTOSHOPPED!"
anyways here are some perbualan of me and some of my friend about that picture.
A :wahh adeeb,look so different in profile picture,more.flawless.*and laughed*
Me:really?oh,it's photoshopped.look nice what?!
so this A made a smirk and suddenly made an announcement to the whole table.(yeah,we were hanging out with some other friends too)
A :people,noticed Adeeb's new picture. no wonderlah, photoshopped. can erase those flaws and zits u have.right Adeeb?
So I was like quite embarrassed then just nodd.
And then this A goes and talked to this guy,B.
A : hey B,can send your picture to Adeeb,she can photoshop your crooked teeth.(this B got not so nice teethla)*and A laughed harder.
and A goes and made fun of the pictures of food hanging on the wall saying that it's photoshopped that's why it looked tasty but in real life it's tasteless.
I mean,there's no reason for restaurant owners or any other business owners to hang pictures that are not interesting,it would scare off the customer you dumbo!
I mean wtf?! How come this A is being such a jerk?! going and make fun of people's flaws as if they wanted the flaws themselves.
And I dont see this A perfect at all.No certainly no! with those nasty mouth of A and the attitude of not respecting others. plus you dont even have a good body shape (okay I said it,A is fat) but u dont see people go and make fun of you! pffttt!
or maybe you should send me your picture,maybe I could loose some weight in you.BAH!
and plus,I did admit to people that it was photoshopped and I dont look good in real life.
So eventhough I dont have nice skin or lack of body shape,I never denied that. and I am not sorry for not having such great skin like yours because everything happens for a reason that's why I would say that I'm gifted. I can be more than I am now.
I have the skills to make me look better than I already am. so why the hell should I look ugly?!
freaking pissed!pfftt.
just tell me about it,adeeb!
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
explicit content
warning,for those who have heart disease or any disease that may cost their life,do not.i repeat,do not click this post!

HAHAHA.I'm just kidding.
I know some of you people my say or think that I'm a whore.
oh yess I AM A WHORE.

and the faces starts to speak.


HAHAHA.I'm just kidding.
I know some of you people my say or think that I'm a whore.
oh yess I AM A WHORE.

and the faces starts to speak.

the face that says,"eeeeeii look down there! soooo bushy!" LOL
Friday, June 25, 2010
nesty delicious
Okay,this is a debut of my first photoshopped photos (some of them only) from the day before yesterday.hee havent found the time to upload pictures but anyways,I'm redeeming the day.hee
been in my cousin's house for awhile,and let me tell you what,broadband sucks!BOO big time!LOL

wondering off around SG WANG was pretty tiresome especially when wearing wedges! it nearly broke my legs and tripping off a gazillion times was nothing to compare. anyway,here some chio chopsticks Abell found while I was looking at fakelashes!

and again,

those chopsticks were killers! they came in very classy designs. not just for eating as an hair acessory also can!(well at least I'd use them on my hair just because I suck on using chopstick for eating.) LOL.
click this for more cherichopsticks!
and the day gets better when we found a unique candy. nesty one. soo soo delicious and it even melts in the mouth! going tradisional is the best!
look!with those not so delicious look,we never expected how wonderful the taste is!
it comes in with 4 flavours: chocolate,cereal,two more I forgot.LOL

oh and yess!I did not forget about my friend here,Sarrah,she went all the way from Shah Alam to accompany me and brought some goodies for me and my friends!Thank you loads!

the day went all well and swell,and here is a prize product I bought!
p/s: been begging Abell to agree when I wanted to do eyelash extension,but as usual,the big NO.but anyways,I bought myself a pair of fakelashes. They look stunning!
pp/s:sorry Sarrah!*puppy dog eyes;D
ppp/s:anyone interested in buying classy chopsticks,do contact me!
tell me about it,adeeb!
been in my cousin's house for awhile,and let me tell you what,broadband sucks!BOO big time!LOL

made Abell took a picture of us using my heavy camera.LOL
wondering off around SG WANG was pretty tiresome especially when wearing wedges! it nearly broke my legs and tripping off a gazillion times was nothing to compare. anyway,here some chio chopsticks Abell found while I was looking at fakelashes!

very classy!
and me modelling some of them,and again,
sooo alien of me,see those greasy hair?!LOL

soo cute!miss fishy the chopsticks holder!MUST HAVE.
those chopsticks were killers! they came in very classy designs. not just for eating as an hair acessory also can!(well at least I'd use them on my hair just because I suck on using chopstick for eating.) LOL.
click this for more cherichopsticks!
and the day gets better when we found a unique candy. nesty one. soo soo delicious and it even melts in the mouth! going tradisional is the best!

it comes in with 4 flavours: chocolate,cereal,two more I forgot.LOL

here is Abell on nom noming MY cereal flavoured beardy candy!IT'S MINE!

and there goes the last piece of it,somebody,sue him please!
oh and yess!I did not forget about my friend here,Sarrah,she went all the way from Shah Alam to accompany me and brought some goodies for me and my friends!Thank you loads!

keychains for friends!people are getting better at making this things!but i didnt get any.boooo

see the bag,and those bangles?!thanks sarrah! I painted my face cos I'm such a lousy model.
the day went all well and swell,and here is a prize product I bought!
p/s: been begging Abell to agree when I wanted to do eyelash extension,but as usual,the big NO.but anyways,I bought myself a pair of fakelashes. They look stunning!
pp/s:sorry Sarrah!*puppy dog eyes;D
ppp/s:anyone interested in buying classy chopsticks,do contact me!
tell me about it,adeeb!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Older schmolder
As a reply to Hilmi's request,here I am talking about what would I be in 5 years ahead.
what's up with people always wanting to know the future?too much of futurama ah?LOL
but before that,let's talk about my past. well,there's no today or the future without the past right?
6 years old me,I was the only foreigner or malay in my class in Hovingham Primary School, and sucessfully learned english from scratch also been noted by the principle soo soo many times *raising brows in an arrogant way* (well mostly because Mr. Smith-the headmaster- was really nice and always gives me those very very kawaii stickers!awww)
12 years old me,I got elected or given honour for the best student in the entire school for having such good grades although my class teacher was sooo NOT into it and kept denying the fact that i deserve the title thus choosing another girl with low grades named A just because she was nice and i was umm BITCHY.BUTTT boo you,i won the prize!LOL.
15 years old me,already in science school,MRSM.no fun after that.Pfftt.living a life with the idea of being a doctor. I am a GEEK! so sue me!LOL.
and now, 19 years old,just an ordinary girl with zits and a normal social life.I know,modesty is ssooo not me!*who am I kidding.LOL*.well,I'm proud of what I turned out to be (although not so sama with what i planned to be lah), I own a registered graphic and online advertising company named Flopdomain Solutions with of course, Abell. a plus with ekahwin! our websites are still in construction but I could see it growing,oh my babies,cant wait to them grow bigger and wider *crosses fingers*
and what would I be in another 5years? hmm,well,you think about it! I already got picutres rolling in my mind.*smiling widely*
tell me about it,adeeb!
what's up with people always wanting to know the future?too much of futurama ah?LOL
but before that,let's talk about my past. well,there's no today or the future without the past right?
6 years old me,I was the only foreigner or malay in my class in Hovingham Primary School, and sucessfully learned english from scratch also been noted by the principle soo soo many times *raising brows in an arrogant way* (well mostly because Mr. Smith-the headmaster- was really nice and always gives me those very very kawaii stickers!awww)
12 years old me,I got elected or given honour for the best student in the entire school for having such good grades although my class teacher was sooo NOT into it and kept denying the fact that i deserve the title thus choosing another girl with low grades named A just because she was nice and i was umm BITCHY.BUTTT boo you,i won the prize!LOL.
15 years old me,already in science school,MRSM.no fun after that.Pfftt.living a life with the idea of being a doctor. I am a GEEK! so sue me!LOL.
and now, 19 years old,just an ordinary girl with zits and a normal social life.I know,modesty is ssooo not me!*who am I kidding.LOL*.well,I'm proud of what I turned out to be (although not so sama with what i planned to be lah), I own a registered graphic and online advertising company named Flopdomain Solutions with of course, Abell. a plus with ekahwin! our websites are still in construction but I could see it growing,oh my babies,cant wait to them grow bigger and wider *crosses fingers*
and what would I be in another 5years? hmm,well,you think about it! I already got picutres rolling in my mind.*smiling widely*
tell me about it,adeeb!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
shouldnt they be more user friendly. They're sooo NOT to me though.Want to wait till my hair silver or what?! Gets on my morning nerves. PFTT.okay slow down adeeb,calm down.
Anyways,I woke up early to have a great day at mid with Sarrah and plus my boys(which I'm still wondering whether they woke up or not already.hmm.*calling.) Meeting Abell somewhere there too!looking forward for today,and as you can
And some side notes:mummy decided that today is the best day to do the laundry and washed all my trousers and jeans and i ended up having nothing to wear!THANK YOU MOM!oh well,I'd go with my dress then!solved!

silly grin to bring peace LOL
oh gotta go,better get dress soon!expecting to bring something new home today*crossing fingers*!toodles!
tell me about it,adeeb!
Monday, June 21, 2010
i love sitting around doing nothing.
ilove sitting in an opened air mamak store till late night. i love sitting in my living rooom couch just bothering my own business while facebooking.
in fact,at college,ilove sitting in my room staring at the worned out walls.
it would kill me by saying this,but i'm promising myself to NOT to sit around anymore.A girl gotta do what a girl gotta do.
lend me some strength peeps,cos there's no way i'm going to keep owning this lazy butt!

tell me about it,adeeb!
in fact,at college,i
it would kill me by saying this,but i'm promising myself to NOT to sit around anymore.A girl gotta do what a girl gotta do.
lend me some strength peeps,cos there's no way i'm going to keep owning this lazy butt!

tell me about it,adeeb!
Fuhh,it's kind of dusty in here,LOL.
I'm officially writing for the how many post was it in this blog? 2? 3?.LOL.
I've been missing blogging so much lately, well, being an unemployed is so far so boring.argghhh.
So I'm going to skip all the details back then and focusing on the present and future being of me.
It's hard enough to have had a boyfriend or merely any guy to invite you to go shopping FOR YOUR STUFF but to go shopping with him and got all emotionally breakdown while you were trying on awesome new clothes in the fitting room is just FRUSTRATING!and i just did that.pffttt,tell me about it.
I think I'm in the middle-of-19-years-old crisis where you look in the mirror and see yourself with no great achievement,looking as HELL UGLY as ever,might as well say such a dissapointment! and thinking about all these years I've spent in vain persuading myself that I looked not that beautiful but just average did not help me this time.;( .
Now all I think is how to be thinner,taller and to own a very healthy skin.(THIS IS NOT FOR PEOPLE'S JUDGEMENTS,BUT FOR MY OWN SATISFACTION)
Well,all those money spent in beauty products,make ups did it's very least to comfort me. damn you -GUARDIAN,WATSONS,CARING,AESOP,BENEFIT i could list more.
i am a depressed fish.

SHOIT!just tell me about it,adeeb!
P/S:now that I'm concious,I realised that I had let go of my chances of owning a rad pair of khaki trouser from ZARA,this is so much hell.
I'm officially writing for the how many post was it in this blog? 2? 3?.LOL.
I've been missing blogging so much lately, well, being an unemployed is so far so boring.argghhh.
So I'm going to skip all the details back then and focusing on the present and future being of me.
It's hard enough to have had a boyfriend or merely any guy to invite you to go shopping FOR YOUR STUFF but to go shopping with him and got all emotionally breakdown while you were trying on awesome new clothes in the fitting room is just FRUSTRATING!and i just did that.pffttt,tell me about it.
I think I'm in the middle-of-19-years-old crisis where you look in the mirror and see yourself with no great achievement,looking as HELL UGLY as ever,might as well say such a dissapointment! and thinking about all these years I've spent in vain persuading myself that I looked not that beautiful but just average did not help me this time.;( .
Now all I think is how to be thinner,taller and to own a very healthy skin.(THIS IS NOT FOR PEOPLE'S JUDGEMENTS,BUT FOR MY OWN SATISFACTION)
Well,all those money spent in beauty products,make ups did it's very least to comfort me. damn you -GUARDIAN,WATSONS,CARING,AESOP,BENEFIT i could list more.
i am a depressed fish.

SHOIT!just tell me about it,adeeb!
P/S:now that I'm concious,I realised that I had let go of my chances of owning a rad pair of khaki trouser from ZARA,this is so much hell.
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