There is a huge difference between being in love than liking to be in love.Which ever you are in be careful of both. You see out there in the real world,none of it is true,people were mask,horrible ugly mask.Here i got a common story to tell,and it goes.

In a little town which i would call the Teetsy Town lived a small,petite,young girl named Bell. Bell was gorgeous with her fair complexion, flawless skin and rosy red cheeks. Yes,she was most beautiful among the beautifuls. She possessess a well sculptured curvy body. She is what all men wanted.
But you see here,Bell had a lover,a strong handsome lover which i would like to call Derek. They were madly in love, they fit each other in every angle, they complete each other in every way. Everybody was jealous of them especially the men because Bell was a great asset,the one that they desire intensely to own. These envious men had eyes on them.

One day,a great misfortune happened, Derek died,a tragic accident,a horrible pain in Bell's heart. She cried a river and dried all the tears in her. Well,in the other side,there were million happy men waiting and trying every chances they had to court her. She was a toy, a game of gamble, a token prize for the men.
The saddest thing is,after Derek was gone,Bell became lonely, She ached for a thing called love. She desired to be accompanied. She wanted a replacement. So,she did every way she could to market herself, she loved the attention, she loved men hovering her everywhere she went. A fool she was. A darn fool she was.
Men came with the mask of angels with 3baits called care,love and happiness. Bell ate all. She ate all the baits and didnt left a bit. She ate, and she ate and she ate. When she thought she was full, what the men did was, they left her,they got bored of the same toy and left her aside just like the other toys they had. She sat there in her own little world,sad and lonely.

p/s:This story is actually dedicated to someone,i really hope she understands what i'm trying to say and get the points right. i trully hope she would not only see the surface of one's self but see what's under it. One day,she'll take off a mask on a man and find the beautiful creature in it. Save the heartbreaks dear.
So tell me about it,